
Homelessness Sociological Functional Perspective


When a person departs from the home and unable to maintain adequate housing is considered as homelessness. It often results in problems related to drugs of terror, which indeed affects the entire life to a great extent. According to research, it is the reason for sociological functional perspective. So, to better understand it, this sample highlights social problems in Australia along with theory related to description and application. It will be useful to entirely understand the concept of homelessness with a sociological functional perspective.


Homelessness is reasoned by several social factors under which a person depart from the home and they are considered as unable to acquire and maintain the adequate housing. These problems covers drugs to terror and homelessness also which affect overall life of person to a great extent. The current research is based on social problem as homeless with the clear explanation related to its reason and consequence on the society. The scenario has been clarified with the use of appropriate sociological theory. In this context, sociological functionalist perspective has been considered.

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Social Problem in Australia

There are several socialproblem prevailing in Australia as currently 38% hike in the economicand financial issues in the society. However, the ratio of another issues such as safety, security and terrorism has been increased 30%. Some of the specific issues are not being changed and remain constant. IN this regard, drug and drug abuse has been increased to 4%.The Tasmania state of the country is facing major issue related to refugee, unemployment and poverty as well as health issues. Along with that, religion issues are also faced along with proportion of rich and poor people (Ravenhill, 2016). The basic reason behind such kind of issue is higher cost of living in the state and people are unable to access the health care facilities. Such kind of scenario influence people to live their home and get addicted from some kind of bad habits such as smoking and drugs etc. They consume theses things for the purpose of being relaxed and tension even without any kind of society or safety related to housing.

Such kind of social issues take place due to poor facilities in context of easy access to health care facilities and employment etc. Not only this but 70% young people who are owning their home are the victim of domestic violence and family breakdown. It create mental stress among them and affect their overall life style to a great extent. However, Greens committed towards the homelessness services for at least next 10 years. In this regard, varied kind of housing services are provided through federal funding. This proves to be effective in catering their requirement in an effectual manner. This also contribute towards improving the life style of people and ensuring their certainty to a great extent (Darab and Hartman, 2013).

Description of Theory

The theory of functionalism reflects the better organization of society for bringing positive attitude among people and increasing their attention towards the most positive approach of the life. In this respect functionalism theory shed light on cultural and social phenomenon with regard to functions performed by them. This perspective also explained that society is having many issues and problem because of forever changes. People are unable to adapt the change and accordingly crime related activities increases in the society. Furthermore, it is assumed in accordance with the functionalism perspective that in case all interdependent part of society goes well then it would definitely bring stability and higher productivity (Wilson and Spoehr, 2015). On the contrary, in case each part of society do not work well then it forms several kind of issues for the better performance of the society. It can be understood with the help example of financial problem. The recession in the market leads to increase unemployment and force people to adapt the change with the establishment of new order and productivity. For instance, during the phase of recession families develop the propensity to save the money and work in accordance with new standard so as to save the money by thinking of the future perspective (Welty and et. al., 2013).

The perspective of functionalism reflects that society get the benefit out of the poverty as it does not only focus on particular individual under the poverty but shed light on macro level benefits. This is because all individual get the benefit and work in accordance with the set standards. This is the reason many people tend to be in the poverty only for the purpose of having long term security for their life time. Therefore, functionalism is most suitable for resolving the potential issues related to society and providing the right direction to address the specific social problem of the society. It would be effective to integrate all related resources and showing the upward direction to society by ensuring the development and growth of the individual.

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Application of Theory

The functionalism perspective of homelessness reflects that people like to be in poverty only and they do not put efforts for their own security. However, majority of the organization of society such as economy, families and schooling as well as government work together for the purpose of running the society effectively. However, the homelessness is considered the individual issue not in the organizing system (Whittaker and Holland-Smith, 2016). In addition to this, theory shed light on four subsystems such as goal attainment, integration and adaptation as well as pattern maintenance. For this purpose, homelessness is caused by the lack of integration among the family members and poor adaptation aspects through which people have suffer from negative scenario of their life. In this manner, functionalist perspective of society focuses on the positive changes through criminal activities and impact of severe punishment. Along with that, government will also support to provide the home and house for the people not having their home. It would have direct impact on the society has whole. For example, poor families will also get themselves registered for the purpose of getting the job and finding the job security (Dunn, Chambers and Hyde, 2016).

There are certain reasons such as financial pressure, poor physical and mental health as well as domestic violence as well as family breakdown are some of the specific aspects. Owing to this, it is important shed light on all these mentioned aspects in order to address the specific issue related to homelessness. Functionalism proposed that family is an institution where every member of family must be involved under all the stuff of the families so as to get attached with other members. On the contrary, break down of families is the major reason behind the homelessness and accordingly people cannot focus on their professional and personal development. Instead, they get addicted to the bad habits related to drug use and smoking etc. Such kind of procedure can be taken into consideration for the betterment of all related people (Pini and Mills, 2015).

On a a critical note, functionalism theory only reflects upon the balanced point but do not focus on recognizing the contribution of inequalities on imbalance. Also, individuals are considered very less but overall society is considered in every aspect. Owing to this, homelessness related issues remain less solution oriented with the application of such kind of approach. However, functionalism represented that individual has the main issue in the mentioned aspects and accordingly they are considered as the dysfunction in the system. Owing to this, appropriate action can be taken for the issue related to homelessness (Edwards and et. al., 2017). Though, the functionalism perspective also explains regarding the illegal drug response. For this purpose, it is important to response for the societal norms and consensus with regarding to acceptable behaviour. This perspective further reveals that illegal drug use is result of the ineffective bond between individual and society. In this manner, theory contribute towards the development of society with the focus on some specific issue related to homelessness and other related aspects. In this manner, illegal drug use has also been explained effectively so as to address all related issues and ensuring the effective completion of the all related activities (Homelessness has no place in Australia, 2017).

For this purpose, it is important to shed light on societal norms whereby appropriate actions can be implemented so as to resolve the specific situation of the business or society in the right direction. However, the issues related to society development must be broken down for the purpose of holding the society together (Neba, 2016). It is made possible with the help of increasing the interaction between society and individual through raising awareness related to the positive bond. This has direct impact on the drug use as individual will feel involved and issues related to the same will be resolved to a great extent. Therefore, it is very important to shed light on issues exist in the society and reduce the ill impact of the same on the society by introducing the most effective approaches (Brown-Bowers and et. al., 2015).

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The essay concludes that functionalism consider the homelessness as the macro level under which it is very important to ensure to smooth functioning of society in accordance with the set standards. In addition to this, issue related to homelessness is increased because of financial problem and uncertain political situation in the country. Owing to this, country like Australia also have the higher unemployment rate. In addition to this, effective plans are being implemented for providing protection to such kind of homelessness people.

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  • Ravenhill, M. (2016).The culture of homelessness. Routledge.
  • Darab, S., & Hartman, Y. (2013). Understanding single older women’s invisibility in housing issues in Australia.Housing, Theory and Society. 30(4). 348-367.
  • Wilson, L., & Spoehr, J. (2015). Social inclusion under Labor in South Australia.Australian Journal of Social Issues. 50(2). 159.
  • Welty & et. al., (2013). Building social capital: Examining the impact of Street Soccer USA on its volunteers.International Review for the Sociology of Sport. 48(1). 20-37.
  • Whittaker, C. G., & Holland-Smith, D. (2016). Exposing the dark side, an exploration of the influence social capital has upon parental sports volunteers.Sport, education and society. 21(3). 356-373.
  • Dunn, J., Chambers, S. K., & Hyde, M. K. (2016). Systematic review of motives for episodic volunteering.VOLUNTAS: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations. 27(1). 425-464.
  • Pini, B., & Mills, M. (2015). Constructing the rural in education: The case of Outback Kids in Australia.British Journal of Sociology of Education. 36(4). 577-594.
  • Edwards, M. & et. al., (2017). Artful interventions for workplace bullying: exploring forum theatre.Journal of Workplace Learning. 29(1). 37-48.
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